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UN Charter
United Nations Charter
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Chapter I.: Purposes and Principles
Art. 1 - Art. 2
Chapter II.: Membership
Art. 3 - Art. 6
Chapter III.: Organs
Art. 7 - Art. 8
Chapter IV.: The General Assembly
Art. 9 - Art. 22
Chapter V: The Security Council
Art. 23 - Art. 32
Chapter VI.: Pacific Settlement of Disputes
Art. 33 - Art. 38
Chapter VII.: Action with Respect to Threats to the Peace, Breaches of the Peace, and Acts of Aggression
Art. 39 - Art. 51
Chapter VIII.: Regional Arrangements
Art. 52 - Art. 54
Chapter IX.: International Economic and Social Cooperation
Art. 55 - Art. 60
Chapter X.: The Economic and Social Council
Art. 61 - Art. 72
Chapter XI.: Declaration Regarding Non-Self-Governing Territories
Art. 73 - Art. 74
Chapter XII.: International Trusteeship System
Art. 75 - Art. 85
Chapter XIII.: The Trusteeship Council
Art. 86 - Art. 91
Chapter XIV.: The International Court of Justice
Art. 92 - Art. 96
Chapter XV.: The Secretariat
Art. 97 - Art. 101
Chapter XVI.: Miscellaneous Provisions
Art. 102 - Art. 105
Chapter XVII.: Transitional Security Arrangements
Art. 106 - Art. 107
Chapter XVIII.: Amendments
Art. 108 - Art. 109
Chapter XIX.: Ratification and Signature
Art. 110 - Art. 111